# Codebase Overview Here is an outline of prominent components of the codebase: - `robocasa/demos/`: interactive scripts to explore tasks and environments (see [quick start](../introduction/quick_start.html) section for details) - `robocasa/environments/kitchen/`: all implementations for kitchen tasks - `kitchen.py`: base class from which all kitchen tasks extend from - `single_stage/`: implementations of all single-stage (aka "atomic") tasks - `multi_stage/`: implementations of all multi-stage (aka “composite”) tasks - `robocasa/scripts/`: utility scripts - `download_kitchen_assets.py`: downloads all assets. called automatically during setup in setup.sh - `download_datasets.py`: downloads datasets (see datasets section for details) - `collect_demos.py`: collect demonstration trajectories for any task and environment - `robocasa/utils/`: utilities - `dataset_registry.py`: registry of all datasets (see [using datasets](../datasets/using_datasets.html) for more details) - `robocasa/models/`: assets and implementations for objects, fixtures, and scenes - `objects/kitchen_objects.py`: registry for all object categories and groups - `assets/objects/`: raw assets for all objects - `fixtures/`: implementations of all fixture classes - `assets/fixtures/`: raw assets for all environment fixtures - `assets/fixtures/fixture_registry/`: registry for all fixture assets - `scenes/`: implementations for constructing kitchen scenes - `scene_registry.py`: registry of all kitchen scenes, including layouts and styles - `assets/scenes/`: blueprints for kitchen scenes, including layouts and styles