# Quick Start

Attention Mac users!

For these scripts, Mac users need to prepend the "python" command with "mj": `mjpython ...`
------- ### Explore kitchen layouts and styles Explore kitchen layouts (G-shaped, U-shaped, etc) and kitchen styles (mediterranean, industrial, etc): ``` python -m robocasa.demos.demo_kitchen_scenes ``` ------- ### Play back sample demonstrations of tasks Select a task and the script will render a human collected demonstration from our [datasets](../use_cases/datasets.html). Rendering can either be on-screen or off-screen as a video: ``` python -m robocasa.demos.demo_tasks ```

Off-screen rendering

You can render videos of the demos off-screen by adding the `--render_offscreen` flag. Mac users will need to run the command as `python` instead of `mjpython`.
------- ### Explore library of 2500+ objects View and interact with both human-designed and AI-generated objects. Can also specify the path to a custom mjcf file. If no mjcf path specified, the script will show a random object: ``` python -m robocasa.demos.demo_objects ``` Note: by default this demo shows objaverse objects. To view AI-generated objects, add the flag `--obj_types aigen`. ------- ### Teleoperate the robot Control the robot directly, either through a keyboard controller or spacemouse. This script renders the robot semi-translucent in order to minimize occlusions and enable better visibility. Can specify environment, layout, and style via arguments to the script. Collected demonstrations will not be saved ``` python -m robocasa.demos.demo_teleop ``` Note: If using spacemouse: you may need to modify the product ID to your appropriate model, setting `SPACEMOUSE_PRODUCT_ID` in `robocasa/macros_private.py`. ## Other useful sections - [Overview of Datasets](../use_cases/datasets.html) - [Overview of Atomic Tasks](../tasks_scenes_assets/atomic_tasks.html) - [Overview of Composite Tasks](../tasks_scenes_assets/composite_tasks.html) - [Training Policies on Datasets](../use_cases/policy_learning.html)