
RoboCasa works across all major computing platforms. The easiest way to set up is through the Anaconda package management system. Follow the instructions below to install:

  1. Set up conda environment:

    conda create -c conda-forge -n robocasa python=3.10
  2. Activate conda environment:

    conda activate robocasa
  3. Clone and setup robosuite dependency:


    Use the robocasa_v0.1 branch of robosuite!
    git clone -b robocasa_v0.1
    cd robosuite
    pip install -e .
  4. Clone and setup this repo:

    cd ..
    git clone
    cd robocasa
    pip install -e .
  5. Install the package and download assets:

    conda install -c numba numba -y
    python robocasa/scripts/   # Caution: Assets to be downloaded are around 5GB.
    python robocasa/scripts/              # Set up system variables.