Basic Usage

Gym interface

We provide a gym-like interface to run rollouts:

Attention Mac users!

Mac users who wish to run this example need to prepend the “python” command with “mj”: mjpython
from robocasa.environments import ALL_KITCHEN_ENVIRONMENTS
from robocasa.utils.env_utils import create_env, run_random_rollouts
import numpy as np

# choose random task
env_name = np.random.choice(list(ALL_KITCHEN_ENVIRONMENTS))

env = create_env(
    seed=0, # set seed=None to run unseeded

# reset the environment

# get task language
lang = env.get_ep_meta()["lang"]
print("Instruction:", lang)

for i in range(500):
    action = np.random.randn(*env.action_spec[0].shape) * 0.1
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)  # take action in the environment
    env.render()  # render on display

Offscreen rollouts

You can also run rollouts and save videos:

from robocasa.environments import ALL_KITCHEN_ENVIRONMENTS
from robocasa.utils.env_utils import create_env, run_random_rollouts
import numpy as np

# choose random task
env_name = np.random.choice(list(ALL_KITCHEN_ENVIRONMENTS))

env = create_env(
    seed=0, # set seed=None to run unseeded

# run rollouts with random actions and save video
info = run_random_rollouts(
    env, num_rollouts=3, num_steps=100, video_path="/tmp/test.mp4"

Separately we provide tools to run policy rollouts within robomimic. See the policy learning page for additional details.