Creating New Datasets#

Collecting new demonstrations#

You can use the script to collect demonstrations:

python robocasa/scripts/ --env <env-name>

Attention Mac users

Mac users must prepend this script with mj, ie. mjpython

Next, you need to pre-process your dataset to ensure it is in the correct format. Convert the raw robosuite dataset to robomimic format

python robomimic/scripts/conversion/ --dataset <ds-path>

This script will extract actions and add filter keys.

Extract image observations#

To extract observations from an existing dataset, you can run:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 MPI_NUM_THREADS=1 MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 python robomimic/scripts/ --dataset <ds-path>

This script will generate a new dataset with the suffix _im128.hdf5 in the same directory as --dataset.

Note: you can add the flag --generative_textures to render images with AI-generated environment textures, and --randomize_cameras to randomize camera viewpoints for rendering.


This observation extraction script may drop a few demonstrations due to subprocesses failing. To minimize this issue you can run the script with the flag --num_procs 1