Downloading Datasets#

RoboCasa comes with a large selection of demonstrations to faciliate training agents. We provide:

  • human demonstrations: across all 25 atomic tasks and a subset of composite tasks, with 50 demonstrations per task.

  • machine-generated demonstrations from MimicGen: across 24 atomic tasks, with 3000 demonstrations per task.

Dataset storage location

By default, all datasets are stored under datasets/ in the root robocasa directory. You can change the location for datasets by setting DATASET_BASE_PATH in robocasa/

Here are a few ways to download the datasets:

# downloads all human datasets with images
python -m robocasa.scripts.download_datasets --ds_types human_im

# lite download: download human datasets without images
python -m robocasa.scripts.download_datasets --ds_types human_raw

# downloads all MimicGen datasets with images
python -m robocasa.scripts.download_datasets --ds_types mg_im

Additionally you can specify the following optional arguments:

--tasks <tasks>: downloads datasets for specific tasks, eg, --tasks PnPCounterToCab ArrangeVegetables
--overwrite: overwrites existing datasets